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Fix Cydia Impactor Runtime Error and Installation.cpp:42 error

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How to Fix Cydia Impactor Runtime Error and Installation.cpp:42 error

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Fix Cydia Impactor Runtime Error and Installation.cpp:42 error

1. Cydia Impactor runtime error:

cydia impactor runtime error
cydia impactor runtime error

  1. runtime error!
  2. This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.


  • Install Visual C++ Redistribution latest version.

2. installation.cpp:42 error

Sometimes, Cydia Impactor will display an error installing the application, such as installation.cpp:42 error this error can throw up one of two messages – one telling you the “system version is lower than the minimum specified  for_directory” and the other telling you that the code signature wasn’t verified. This could happen because the IPA zip file was dragged and dropped into Cydia Impactor.


cydia impactor installation.cpp42 error

cydia impactor installation.cpp42 error-2

  • Cydia Impactor installation.cpp:42
  • The system version is lower than the minimum OS version specified for_directory
  • File : installation.cpp;line:42;what:
    Failed to verify code signature of
    /private/var/installd/Library/Caches/ executable was signed with invalid entitlements.)

Solution 1:
  1. It may be caused by dragging IPA zip file directly to Cydia Impactor.
  2. Remember to extract the file before you drag it into Cydia Impactor – only the IPA file is required
  3. Try VPN for making an attempt with a different region, or it may be that your ISP has detected what you are doing and blocked it
  4. Utilize another tool for signing IPA file and sideload that signed IPA using Cydia Impactor. One of the community members used iOS App Signer to resign yalu.ipa and installed with the latest Impactor, it worked!

Solution 2:

Majority of community members are facing the same issue while using Cydia Impactor. Trying out available different solutions are not leading users to walk away without Cydia Impactor 42 error. But it can be 100% resolved with the following method where impactor won’t be our handy tool.

  1. Go to from your Safari browser.
  2. Type unc0ver -new beta in the search bar.
  3. Upon finding the same, click on Get and let it install the app.
  4. Disable Reload System Daemons and enable Reinstall Cydia Impactor.
  5. Now perform jailbreak. (Perform multiple attempts if necessary).

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Fix Cydia Impactor Runtime Error

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Telecom Engineer, interested about technology, smartphones reviews, marketing and digital tips.pinterestfacebooktwittertumblr

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