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Download Best PC and Android App to Control Mobile Phone

PC and Android App to Control Mobile Phone Crono App, download Crono App, remotely control android phone from another phone, control android phone

Download Best PC and Android App to Control Mobile Phone | Crono App

This application ( Crono App ) is one of the most beautiful and wonderful applications that you will ever see, where through this application ( Crono App ) you can control your mobile phone in full control and see everything that happens on it.

Whether phone calls, Slack messages, calendar events, Whatsapp messages or SMS messages or Viber or Messenger and Hickey and Gmail and Slack, etc. And many more features that we will explain later.

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Download Best PC Android App to Control Mobile Phone | Crono App

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How does Crono App work?

1. You can easily download Crono App to your mobile phone from the Google Play Store or Windows Phone.

2. On your computer or laptop, you can download the application extension on your browser, whether it is Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or macOS, depending on which browser you are using.

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3. Scan your QR code and synchronize your data to receive notifications.

4. Through this add-on, you can view all your notifications that come on your mobile phone, meaning, if you are in a meeting or a second room and your mobile is far from you, you will receive notifications of what is happening on your mobile phone and through these notifications, you can see everything that happens On your mobile.

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5. You can receive an incoming call or Dismiss. You can receive all messages, whether it is WhatsApp, Messenger, Hike, Gmail, Slack, Skype, Calendar, And more are being added.

6. You can send SMS messages and reply to chat messages such as Messenger, WhatsApp or Gmail

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7. You can Dismiss notifications through the browser and at the same time clear it from the mobile.

8. Through this application ( Crono App ), you can fully control your mobile phone through your browser, whether it is Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or macOS, without touching your mobile phone.

9. You can also send files from the computer to the mobile and vice versa from the mobile to the computer (2-way file transfer).

10. And you can use this application ( Crono App ) to track your children's activity on their mobiles if you like.

11. One of the great features of this application ( Crono App ) and the nice one in this application is that you can call to your mobile phone, meaning if your phone is lost from you, you can call it through the extension on the browser on your computer or your laptop.

12. You can also see the charge percentage of your mobile phone, meaning if you left your phone on the charger, you can see the charge percentage and know the percentage, and also the time remaining until the charging ends, and that is also through the add-on on your computer.


This application ( Crono App ) uses end-to-end encryption, meaning that your personal information and business data that you send will be completely secure, and no one will be able to access your personal information, messages, or any of the files that you send other than you, there is no third party that can access On your data.

Download Crono App

And to be able to use all these features, all you have to do is download the application (Crono App ) from the Google Play Store or Windows Phone, and also download the add-on to your browser, whether it is Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge or MacOS.

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  • All this, with one condition that your mobile phone and the computer or laptop that you are using are on the same Wi-Fi network.

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About the Author

Telecom Engineer, interested about technology, smartphones reviews, marketing and digital tips.pinterestfacebooktwittertumblr

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