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Diversity Equity Inclusion Program Manager, Google Customer Solutions

Diversity Equity Inclusion Program Manager, Google Customer Solutions, experience leading end-to-end cross-functional projects

Diversity Equity Inclusion Program Manager - Google Customer Solutions

  • Google
  • Redwood City
  • New York

Diversity Equity Inclusion Program Manager, Google Customer Solutions

Minimum qualifications:

  • 5 years of experience leading end-to-end cross-functional projects.
  • 5 years of experience in communicating, aligning, and managing internal stakeholders across multiple levels, including executive leadership or equivalent experience in a client-facing role.
  • Experience working across organizations and regions and stakeholder management.

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Preferred qualifications:

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) subject matter expertise.
  • High degree of discretion and experience working with privileged, confidential information.
  • Ability to seek understanding in ambiguity, and resilient in the face of setbacks. Passion for developing oneself and others.
  • Ability to deliver clear, compelling and globally relevant communications.

About the job

  • The Business Strategy and Operations organization provides business critical insights using analytics, ensures cross functional alignment of goals and execution, and helps teams drive strategic partnerships and new initiatives forward. We stay focused on aligning the highest-level company priorities with effective day-to-day operations, and help evolve early stage ideas into future-growth initiatives.
  • As the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program Manager, you will drive execution against the overall DEI plan for GCS globally. You will help develop the Go-To-Market approach for the GCS DEI plan in addition to project managing equity, representation, and inclusion initiatives. An additional focus on accelerating progress for Black+, Latinx+ Googlers and women will be a key aspect of this work.
  • You will hold leadership accountable to the DEI plan by monitoring and reporting on progress against key initiatives on a quarterly basis. In this role, you'll engage with sales and operations leaders on the GCS Inclusion and Equity Councils as you manage progress against work-streams. You will be responsible for synthesizing qualitative feedback and diverse perspectives to help inform and shape decision-making and strategic discussions at the leadership level.
  • In this role, you will drive the cadence and operational rigor across working teams. You will leverage the domain expertise of key partner teams in shaping the work, including People Partners, and Staffing.
  • Your overarching objective will be to help keep GCS leadership accountable in driving progress against their DEI Charter and Commitments and help shape the culture of GCS to be a place where we can drive equitable processes and team norms to attract, develop, and grow diverse, representative, and inclusive teams.
  • When our millions of advertisers and publishers are happy, so are we! Our Google Customer Solutions (GCS) team of entrepreneurial, enthusiastic and client-focused members are the "human face" of Google, helping entrepreneurs both individually and broadly build their online presence and grow their businesses. We are dedicated to growing the unique needs of advertising companies. Our teams of strategists, analysts, advisers and support specialists collaborate closely to spot and analyze customer needs and trends. In collaboration, we create and implement business plans broadly for all types of businesses.


  • Manage end-to-end project management of Google Customer solutions DEI plan and initiatives.
  • Build the Go-to-Market plan for Google Customer Solutions DEI priorities, leveraging domain expertise of partner teams, including Google Customer Solutions People Partners, Staffing, and Diversity Business Partners.
  • Partner in the development of Google Customer Solutions-wide DEI communications strategy and engagement plan.
  • Drive excellence in execution against Google Customer Solutions DEI plan, monitor, and report on progress against operational plan to Google Customer Solutions leadership.

About the Author

Telecom Engineer, interested about technology, smartphones reviews, marketing and digital tips.pinterestfacebooktwittertumblr

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