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Play PS4 Games on PS5 Platform: By Sony Corporation

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Play PS4 Games on PS5 Platform

Sony Corporation announced today, Friday, more details about backward compatibility support for PlayStation 4 (PlayStation 4) games with the new PlayStation 5 (PlayStation 5) platform.

Play PS4 games on PS5 platform: by Sony Corporation

The Japanese tech giant said: more than 4000 games from the PlayStation 4 platform will be supported by PlayStation 5 platform, a number Sony says: it represents the "vast majority."

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Although the vast majority of PlayStation 4 games will run on PlayStation 5, Sony cautioned that "some PlayStation 4 games may exhibit errors or unexpected behavior when playing on the PlayStation 5 platform." and, some functions of PlayStation 4 games may be not available on PlayStation 5.

It's not clear which games will be affected by bugs or functional issues, but Sony has mentioned 10 PlayStation 4 games that won't run on PlayStation 5 at all.

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These include: TT Isle of Man - Ride on the Edge 2, Just Deal With It! , Shadow Complex Remastered, DWVR, Afro Samurai 2 Revenge of Kuma Volume One, Robinson: The Journey, and We Sing, Hitman Go: Definitive Edition, Shadwen, and Joe's Diner.

There are also some backward compatibility restrictions for PlayStation 4 games on the PlayStation 5 platform. The sharing menu cannot be displayed within PS4 games played on PlayStation 5, and screenshots must be created using the "Create" button on the DualSense controller. So the PlayStation 4 tournaments feature is also not compatible with PlayStation 5, and this applies to live in-game or second-screen apps and apps that accompany games.

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Sony says: "PlayStation 4 games selected" will also work with the PlayStation 5's Game Boost feature, which will have older PlayStation 4 games run at higher frame rates. Sony hasn't provided a list of games that will support this feature yet.

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