Google AdSense increases website traffic quick

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Google AdSense increases the value of your content

Recently, Google has developed algorithms, through which it can scan the content provided by publishers, and only index the unique and non-duplicate content.

Also, when you submit your website to Google AdSense, these algorithms check the content of your website. If it is unique, the Google AdSense team will accept your website to display ads on it, and vice versa.

Thus, when you display Google AdSense ads on your website, this gives visitors the trust in the content that you provide on your website that it is valuable and unique content, and this increases the traffic of visitors to your website.

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Google AdSense increases your website traffic quick

Google AdSense Concept

The concept of Google AdSense work is easy and simple. All you have to do is include the Google AdSense ad code within the pages of your website.

Every time a visitor to your website or one of its pages, the AdSense ad code displays an ad from the millions of ads that are in the Google AdSense server.

The advertisement targets a keyword present in the content of your website, so the content that you provide on your website must be valuable and unique and contain distinct keywords attract high CPC ads.

If there is an ad that attracts the interest of a visitor to your website and he clicks on it, you earn a percentage of the money that the advertiser pays to Google AdSense for each click on his ad.

Google tracks payments, collects money, monitors valid clicks and also brings advertisers to your website, which saves your time to create unique and high-value content, that you can earn more money from it.

The most important advantages of Google Adsense

Google AdSense Database

One of the most advantages of Google AdSense is the huge database that includes millions of advertisers who are looking for advertising space to display their products and services, and as a result of this large base of advertisers:

  • Google AdSense provides you with millions of advertisers who can display millions of ads that match any type of content you provide on your website.
  • Target advertisers based on product, service, geographic location, and company size.
  • Provide appropriate and relevant advertising inventory for your website content.
  • Enable local companies to target potential customers based on their geographic location.

Ads Control

  • Control the quality of ads you want to display on your website.
  • Filter sensitive categories that do not fit the content of your website.
  • Filter ads from specific companies.
  • Filter certain ad url that do not match the content of your website.
  • Filter companies that compete with your products.
  • Design the appearance of the ads displayed on your website.
  • Choose the color palette, layout, size of the ads displayed and where they will appear on your website.
  • Customizing Google AdSense ads to display only on certain pages of your website.

Customize ads

  • For sites that create content, Google AdSense is essential because it understands the needs of publishers and therefore allows for full customization of advertising.
  • The different format of the ads expands the possibility of more clicks from your visitors.
  • Customizing and targeting ads to the interests of your website visitors makes them decide to click on a relevant ad, and you will earn more money.

Google Search Engine Advertising

  • Google search engine is a free feature, you can add it to your website from your Google AdSense account.
  • Instead of the visitor leaving your website to search for a word or topic, he will be able to use the Google search engine directly on your website, and this will make the visitor stay on your website as long as possible.
  • And if the visitor searches for a keyword or a long-tail keyword, the results appear at the top of your website and if the visitor clicks on any ad in the Google search box, you will earn a percentage of money.

Free Subscription

  • There are no subscription fees for a Google AdSense account.
  • All you have to do is create a website or blog and link it to a paid domain from GoDaddy, Namecheap, or any other domain service provider.
  • To earn money from Google AdSense is to create good and unique content that presents a product or service to a specific category of audience.
  • After that, you have to market your website content on social media websites and on other websites, to attract more visitors.
  • Keep creating content so you can reach the first results in Google and other search engines

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About the Author

Telecom Engineer, interested about technology, smartphones reviews, marketing and digital tips.pinterestfacebooktwittertumblr

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