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Best and Easy Website Builder - Free Web Hosting

Best and Easy Website Builder - Free Web Hosting, Domain and website free hosting, best web hosting sites, dedicated server hosting, website builder

What Is Web Hosting?

Hosting is a web service used to manage the data of websites or applications so that it can be accessed by users over the Internet. With web hosting, we can create websites and store files and data online.

Among the many web hosting providers I've used, I haven't seen any that offer lifetime paid hosting. However, these hosting providers require us to subscribe monthly or annually so that we can use their hosting services.

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Best and Easy Website Builder - Free Web Hosting

Is there free web hosting?

Indeed, hosting service providers offer a free trial, but this hosting is for a trial and nothing more, but it is not suitable for creating a serious website that provides good and continuous content, as well as not suitable for creating a website specialized in e-commerce.

Of course, if we search on Google or on YouTube for a free hosting service or free website builder, we will find thousands and videos that talk about free hosting services offered by different hosting service providers, like(Infinityfree, Netlify, Bluehost, Hostinger and HostGator.etc).

Of course, we go to these sites and register an account in the hope of benefiting from this free plan to host our website.

But what do we do if this service suddenly stops? Then you can only blame yourself for wasting months of work creating your website and losing your data.

Is it possible to provide hosting services for life?

This lifetime hosting is definitely not suitable for creating business or e-commerce websites or serious websites.

There is no permanent hosting, it is better to look for logical hosting, so it is not possible to create permanent hosting. It is better to buy something else, it is better.

Good hosting definitely requires

  • A fee to keep the service running.
  • Pay the costs of electricity and equipment maintenance.
  • Payment and salaries of employees etc.

So if you pay once or for life, where does your hosting provider get the money for operational costs? Hosting here does not mean forever. But it means that as long as the hosting provider is still there and working, the hosting provider is there.

So this lifetime hosting is not suitable for creating a serious website.

Of course because we don't know how long the hosting provider will stop working, before choosing a hosting, we should look for reviews and opinions of others who have already bought and tried this hosting, or the opinions of experienced website builders.

Share your opinions with us

Best Website Hosting and Server Hosting Liquid Web

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About the Author

Telecom Engineer, interested about technology, smartphones reviews, marketing and digital tips.pinterestfacebooktwittertumblr

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